Refuge house and artistic residency among peoples of the forest.

Help us with our strengthening of feelings to memories, from art!

“Each opportunity for dialogue and presentation of one’s culture to another is an opportunity to reflect on their own memories, individual and collective, and how to relate internally and externally to them.”

Time’i Assurini

SOS Amazon Fund

Join us in the fight for the sustainable development of communities in the Amazon! With your help we have already made a difference and we are doing more! We will strengthen community entrepreneurship, promote gender equality and improve access to education and culture. Join us on this journey of positive and sustainable impact!

We are a youth-led, passionate and dedicated group of social and climate activists, founded by members of Fridays for Future Brazil, committed to contributions, positive changes and promoting a more sustainable future.

Ancestors of the future

We are the ancestors of future generations, and we have the responsibility to consider them in our decisions and actions. Looking back at our origins is crucial to understanding the present and creating solutions for a more just and regenerative future.

Ashaninka - For the people of the forest​

The Ashaninka people, from the Kampa indigenous land on the Amônia River (Apiwtxa), are organizing a campaign to support the indigenous and extractive communities of the Upper Juruá River, in Marechal Thaumaturgo, Acre, Brazil.

Caburé institute

We are a civil society organization committed to a fairer and more sustainable future for the Brazilian Northeast. We were born in the north of Piauí, but today we operate in Ceará and Maranhão. Our founder, Camilla Marinho, joined the Caburé Institute because she believes that ancestral knowledge, combined with science and technology, can positively transform the lives of people in traditional communities.

Team Amazon Guardian

For those who can, join the Amazon Guardians Team with an ongoing contribution to the ongoing rainforest protection work that indigenous communities do for life and for all of humanity.
As a member of the Amazon Guardians Team, you’ll also receive rainforest updates, special discounts on rainforest-positive products, and early access to new Amazon-related music, content, and events.



R. Cônego Eugênio Leite, 840 – Pinheiros, São Paulo – SP, 05414-001