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Order details

Event name: YCL Mentoring Program

Total charged: R$

Donation: R$

Payment method:


Tickets Participants Identification Unitary Value Quantity Subtotal

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YCL Network - 1 mentorship session

*Price for YCL network members - Approximate value (according to currency exchange rates) EUR 30/USD 35

R$ 160,00

1 mentorship session

Price for people that are not members of YCL network - Approximate value (according to currency exchange rates) EUR 48/USD 56

R$ 250,00

YCL Network - 3 mentorship sessions

*Price for YCL network members - Package with 3 sessions to be used in 12 months (R$ 140/session); Approximate value (according to currency exchange rates) EUR 80/USD 100

R$ 420,00

3 mentorship sessions

Price for people that are not members of YCL network - Package with 3 sessions to be used in 12 months (R$ 223/session); Approximate value (according to currency exchange rates) EUR 128/USD 160

R$ 670,00

YCL Network - 6 mentorship sessions

*Price for YCL network members - Package with 6 sessions to be used in 12 months (R$ 130/session); Approximate value (according to currency exchange rates) EUR 150/USD 190

R$ 780,00

6 mentorship sessions

Price for people that are not members of YCL network - Package with 6 sessions to be used in 12 months (R$ 200/session); Approximate value (according to currency exchange rates) EUR 190/USD 240

R$ 1200,00

YCL Mentoring Program

Date: On demand

Time: TBD with your mentor

Local: Online

YCL mentoring is a unique opportunity for young people to discuss with an experienced professional about their career aspirations, whether at the beginning of the professional path or interested in making a career transition. In addition to advice and new perspectives, the mentor also has the role of being provocative and asking questions that you have not previously asked, which will help you to define the clear action plan for your short, medium or long term growth goals.

For more information, visit:

After payment is made, we will contact you to understand your needs in order to allocate the appropriate mentor(s).

If you have any questions, write to:

ATTENTION: Brazilian citizens, register here:

DISCLAIMER: Mentoring program price values are subject to change

Available tickets

And you can still donate as much as you want. Just put the additional amount in the field below and Welight will forward the appeal to the desired NGO.

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Total donated by you and YCL Mentoring Program: R$ 0.00
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Payment method

> Billet only in sight

> Bank payment takes 3 days to clear

> Watch out for the billet expiration. You can pay online, at any bank or lottery house.

> After payment, stay tuned for your email to receive confirmation

> Payments on Bank Slip only for brazilian citizen

This campaign uses Welight's solutions to obtain resources. An organization that goes beyond technology to accelerate the transformation towards a more fair and sustainable future.